Londons Leonardo The Life and Work of Robert Hooke
Hooke's death in 103,
Hooke was born on 18 July 1635,
Subsequently, in 1661, Boyle and Hooke's further experiments revealed the relationship between the pressure and the volume of air which is now known as 'Boyle's Law'-the volume of a gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to its pressure.
l)e/i'â–ºuee against Linus,
As Lisa Jardine shows below, his use of drugs for medicinal and experimental purposes had a progressive effect on his health and in consequence on his ability to continue to work at the phenomenal rate he achieved in the decade
'Hooke joint'
In Bacon's case, this was presented in his famous metaphor of the four 'idols' of the human mind which needed to be eradicated.
'if I have seen further it is by standing on the sholders of Giants.''"
Hooke clearly but discursively, rather than mathematically, suggested that the elliptical orbits established by Johann Kepler at the start of the seventeenth century could be explained in terms of a single attractive force operating between the planet and the sun, which is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This
I have in my catalogue already thought on divers experiments of heat and cold, of gravity and levity, of condensation and rarefaction of pressure, of pendulous motions and motions of descent; of sound, of respiration, of fire, and burning, of the rising of smoke, of the nature and constitution of the damp, both as to heat and cold, driness and moisture, density
Tryd reflex microscope. 1117 Hooke 'tried' a new toxic chemical compound as a medical remedy, and then 'tried' the reflex microscope. Both 'trials' involved skilled handling of the equipment or materials, and careful observation of outcomes and accuracy. The
As Hooke makes clear in his preface to Micrographia, he believed that new precision scientific instruments like the telescope and microscope would give back to mankind the clarity of perception lost at the Fall:
but we have also the power of considering, comparing, altering, assisting, and improving them to various uses. And as this is the peculiar priviledge of humane
By that double use of 'trial'-Hooke's customary term for developing such experimentally based 'helps' for the senses-we have at least a suggestion here that chemical 'instruments' might enhance man's post-lapsarian mental capacities, just as the microscope and telescope add magnification to his vision.`9"
'ready for the Great Experiment',